Welcome to TLC Support
Through direct action programs people in need in the local area are reached and supported
Bayswater North and surrounding suburbs have a diversity of needs and many of its residents have few support mechanisms such as a functioning extended family. We attempt to meet these needs in practical ways with a mix of paid and volunteer staff that welcome anyone into our extended community life.
For over 45 years, TLC has been supporting and serving the local community in the Maroondah & Knox Regions. We have had countless people enter our doors throughout the week looking for support in various ways. We have been able to assist people due to the network of volunteers and partnerships that have been formed locally. This year we are looking for people to partner with us to continue this work.
TLC Support Inc is a registered Charity with Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status.
TLC Support Inc ABN: 32 366 900 479
What We Do
TLC Support Inc. was formed in 2013 to bring together into a single organisation a number of related organisations and activities in order to provide direct benevolent relief to a range of people in the local community, especially to:
(a) young people at risk and their families;
(b) people facing financial hardship and chronic unemployment;
(c) people with disabilities;
(d) people experiencing physical and mental illness;
(e) refugees and asylum seekers;
(f) people at risk of homelessness;
(g) people facing food insecurity.
Our Services
We offer a range of social and support programs that serve a wide variety of alienated and disengaged community members including:
• Food Bank (operating for over 10 years).
• YaFT: Youth and Family Therapy (YaFT) which provides Bush Therapy, Sailing programs as well as family counseling support for at risk young people.
• The Brink (a social support program for isolated and older people – running now for over 25 years).
• Winter Shelter providing a safe place to sleep and meals for homeless men.
• Support for local Refugees (Tutoring, conversational English, Learning Together, mentoring, advocacy).
The project Addressing Food Insecurity is supported by Maroondah City Council through its Emergency Relief Grants Scheme. This grant enables TLC Support to operate its Foodbank.
The staff of the Emerson corporation office in Bayswater have clubbed together to donate food to TLC in support of our Foodbank program. The company generously added to the staff donation.
The MTO Shahmaghsoudi® – School of Islamic Sufism® has kindly donated food parcels to TLC Support in support of our Foodbank program. This is the second year that they have supported us with food parcels as part of their charitable works.