Volunteers are the backbone of our team putting in untold hours of work to ensure that food, support, care and friendship are available to all who come in contact.
For the youth at risk our volunteers run camps and sailing expeditions and in school programs for YaFT clients, teach drama and life skills for the kids in FRESH Youth Theatre or serve breakfast to the hungry at school.
For the adults at risk its food and shelter for the homeless in the care of our Winter Shelter team, life skills in a strange new country for our refugees and friendship and a place to belong for the socially isolated in The Brink.
Frances batt
Food bank coordinator and enthusiastic distributor of food and care.
Rob Coller
Robert offers support as a youth worker, Youth and Family Therapist and Bush Adventure Therapist. He is an enthusiastic and trusted youth worker of over 30 years experience in the field.
Eva Mcentee
Eva is the enthusiastic director of the Bayswater Fresh youth theatre. eva has a long history in theatre and is a professional PSYCHOLOGIST.
yaft volunteers
Volunteers are an integral part of YaFT's work. Volunteers may develop a mentoring role, teach skills such as sailing, model communication and life skills, participate in No Limits phases in schools, maintain boats, attend day trips, assist in transport for camps or day trips. Volunteer role's are tailored to each person's abilities and availability.
The brink
the brink team foster a warm friendly and welcoming environment for people experiencing social isolation.
Fresh leaders team
Volunteers do a range of tasks:
—mentoring fresh internship
—preparing meals each week
—assisting with pre-production such as painting costumes, creating sets
—assisting during performances eg. Ticket taking —assisting in the canteen